Balance Ball YOGA

Balance Ball YOGA


Balance Ball YOGA

A Sports Medicine-Based Postural Correction Program

Welcome to Balance Ball YOGA, by RSM International Academy. We are a professional institution focused on pain relief and posture correction through our original Balance Ball YOGA method and sports medicine-based postural massage. Explore the intricacies of human kinetics with the benefit of our 20 years of experience and cutting-edge sports medicine knowledge, which has shaped our unique approach. Our comprehensive resources and expert guidance offer tailored solutions for clients including professional athletes, yoga practitioners, and those in need of rehabilitation.

Our Postural Correction Method

Experience the blend of yoga postures and advanced sports medicine in Balance Ball Yoga. By employing an unstable balance ball, you are encouraged to engage your core muscles more intensely, enhancing your core and dynamic postural stability. This approach not only corrects Dynamic Postural Stability but also fine-tunes proprioception — our body's innate sense of position and movement. We call Fluid Dynamic Movements.

Underlying every sports-medicine-based movement and pose in Balance Ball Yoga is the principle of dynamic equilibrium. It challenges and empowers practitioners to find their body's natural centre of gravity, aligning it with the ball's centre. This dynamic core muscle engagement promotes better spinal movement, kinetic chain, and overall body alignment in every moment.

In 2021, the method offered by RSM was medically proven to be effective by Italian doctors, hospitals and universities.

In 2021, the method offered by RSM was medically proven to be effective by Italian doctors, hospitals and universities.

Medical Evidence for Balance Ball YOGA

The Balance Ball YOGA method, which emphasizes posture correction, is recommended not only for those seeking improved posture but also for rehabilitation, individuals with disabilities in movement, and sports players. Balance Ball YOGA offers tailored approaches for all fitness levels, ensuring everyone has a path to improved posture and movement. This approach combines sports medicine and practical experience with functional anatomy, sharpening posture correction techniques and has been validated by medical evidence. Discover Balance Ball YOGA as a method that resonates with both beginners and experts.

Hiro explain to the student how the body moves to maintain a dynamic posture

Hiro explain to the student how the body moves to maintain a dynamic posture

A postural correction method derived from practical experience and sports medicine knowledge

Balance Ball YOGA was pioneered by Hironori Ikeda, an innovator in postural methods. From his youthful days of skiing, motocross, soccer, and playing in natural fields, Hironori was driven to understand the intricacies of human and animal body movements. This interest led him to study at The University of Tsukuba, one of the oldest national universities established by the Japanese Government and among the top research universities in Japan. After securing his master's degree in sports medicine, he has shared his method and insights with Western students for over two decades, continually refining the technique.

Balance Ball YOGA in Sardigna, Italy 2023

Balance Ball YOGA in Sardigna, Italy 2023

Our Philosophy and Vision for Balance Ball YOGA

Embrace the power of Balance Ball YOGA to refine your posture and unleash your hidden potential. The term "yoga" in Sanskrit means "to unite" (yuj), and that's precisely our mission: to unite you with the possibilities within. Even physical disability doesn't hinder one's journey if there's dynamic postural stability at its core. Imagine trekking through nature, kayaking down rivers, or skiing in great mountains. With renewed trust in your body, pursue activities you've always aspired to. This path not only introduces you to nature's wonders but also nurtures friendships and community spirit. Let go of past limitations and watch negativity turn into boundless positivity. Under the guidance of Master Hironori Ikeda embark on a transformative journey to harness your true capabilities. Dive into the Balance Ball Yoga experience with RSM (Recreation & Sports Medicine International Academy) today. Beyond just posture, we're about connecting you with dreams, aspirations, and life's abundant joys.

Join us at Balance Ball YOGA. Activate your joy of life

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