Balance Ball YOGA

Balance Ball YOGA


Dynamic Postural Stability Course

Balance Ball YOGA - Dynamic Postural Stability

Balance Ball Yoga seamlessly integrates sports medicine expertise with many yoga postures. Leveraging the BOSU Balance Ball, our approach emphasizes spine biomechanics, core muscle engagement, and the anchoring of spinal movements. By aligning your centre of gravity with that of the BOSU Balance Ball/Balance Ball, we activate the core muscles, ensuring optimal pelvis positioning and proper body alignment. This not only enhances dynamic postural stability in daily activities but also paves the way for pain-free movement.

Every individual's body has its own posture and fitness level. Grand Master Hironori guides you to discover your unique comfortable posture and achieve dynamic postural stability

Every individual's body has its own posture and fitness level. Grand Master Hironori guides you to discover your unique comfortable posture and achieve dynamic postural stability

Postural Realignment & Core Stability

This course is meticulously designed to enhance movement patterns, strengthen core stability, and achieve optimal pelvic alignment. Core strength is paramount for maintaining optimal body alignment, providing the necessary stability to the spine and pelvis. This helps counteract imbalances that might lead to conditions like anterior or posterior pelvic tilt. Addressing common challenges like swayback and hunched back, often resulting from prolonged postural neglect, participants will experience systematic correction of muscular imbalances, including conditions like kyphosis and lordosis. The kinetic chain, driven by the core muscles, forms the foundation of our body's dynamic postural stability. When these muscles are weak or imbalanced, postural irregularities like hyperlordosis or excessive kyphosis can manifest.

Using the Bosu balance ball for one-leg stands significantly enhances walking posture and stability. We tailor posture exercises to your fitness level

Using the Bosu balance ball for one-leg stands significantly enhances walking posture and stability. We tailor posture exercises to your fitness level

Tailored Fitness with Balance Ball Yoga

Balance Ball Yoga incorporates various movements and postures, enabling the body to discover its optimal position for dynamic postural stability. The training is not merely static; it activates all core muscles, allowing them to re-educate themselves in maintaining proper alignment and posture. This approach, deeply rooted in sports medicine, fosters a harmonious connection between body awareness and muscular engagement.

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